Hace unas semanas entrevisté al Dr. Hernán Miguez, receptor en 2012 de una ERC Consolidator Grant. Hoy te presento aquí nuestra conversación para que puedas extraer de ella algunos puntos importantes de la convocatoria y poder aprender de la experiencia directa de otros investigadores.


Doctor in physics by the Autonomous University of Madrid (2000). From 2000 to 2002 worked as a post-doctoral fellow in the Chemistry Department of the University of Toronto, Canada, where he was appointed a honorary professorship position.
Since 2004 he is a member of the permanent research staff of the Materials Science Institute of Seville (ICMS) (joint centre of the Spanish Research Council and the University of Seville). He leads the research group of Multifunctional Optical Materials, an interdisciplinary team composed by chemists, physicists and materials engineers. His research activities have been mainly focused on the design, preparation, characterization and modelling of optical nanomaterials for applications in photovoltaics, sensing and radiation protection.
He is author or more than 100 papers in International Journals, 12 internationalized patents, and numerous scientific presentations including about 20 invited lectures in International symposia and in Industry or University centres. He has leaded numeorus research projects financed by both national programs and privately owned companies. His patents leaded to the founding of a two technology based companies, the Canadian Opalux, devoted to the development of tuneable photonic displays, and the Swedish NLAB Solar, focused on the integration of photonic crystals in solar cells to achieve boost the light harvesting efficiency.


DA: Muchas gracias por tu tiempo y por compartir tu experiencia Hernán, ¡Suerte y éxito en tus proyectos!

David A

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